Sunday, July 31, 2016

Day 5 - Caneel Bay

 Looking at Honeymoon Beach from under the mangroves
The adventure started around 10am as we headed out to catch the ferry for St. John. St. John is very visible from Sapphire Beach and is only 20 minutes away via the ferry.

A little history lesson:
In 1950, Lawrence Rockefeller purchased more than half of the island from the Dutch West Indies Company. He was some impressed by the sheer beauty and raw nature, he wanted to make sure it would not be spoiled by further development. He constructed Caneel Bay Resort and then donated the rest of the property to the federal government for the explicit use of park land.  Since then, the USVI has purchased additional land and now the national park makes up more than two-thirds of the island.
Can anyone say, "Taco Hell"?

Anna at the Sugar Cane House.
Prior to the ferry ride, we stopped at Taco Hell. Great little walk-up-to-shack and get-a-taco-to-go place. All of us had at least one. As we gobbled down tacos, the sprinkles turned to a downright down pour. Thomas and I darted over to the ferry terminal before getting completely drenched. The girls were a bit smarter and sought shelter nearby and came to the terminal when the rain stopped.

Olivia's tuna salad at Longboards.
Upon arriving at St. John, we hopped in a taxi and headed over to Caneel Bay. It was a short five minute ride. Entering the resort you are greeted by absolutely beautiful grounds. We were drop off by the taxi right next to an old sugar cane house, now converted to a restaurant. They left the sugar cane house ruins intact as it gives the whole area an old Dutch trading colony vibe. 

Caneel Bay Beach 
After a little exploration of the house, we made are way to the main area of Caneel Bay and it opened to a gorgeous view overlooking the bay. Sitting in front of the beach bay are all the main buildings and cabins. The main buildings are built in an open frame construction style with high-vaulted ceilings and roofed with cedar shingles. The cabins are more of a 1960’s look and feel – more metal and block. It all looks perfectly nestled in this truly tranquil paradise.
Mama and LT in the main beach lounge area of Caneel Bay.

The resort and park have more than seven beaches. We made it only to Honeymoon Beach. Wouldn’t you guess – we had the beach to our entire selves!!! It was phenomenal. The beach sand was white as a snow and silky soft. Apparently the early rain had kept everyone away. Kudos for us!!! We snorkeled for about 45 minutes and then just hung out at the beach.

It wasn’t long until we headed back to the main resort for some drinks. We didn’t stay too long. We paid the tab and grabbed a cab. Headed back to Cruz Bay, where all the shops restaurants and the ferry terminal was at. We had the cabbie drop us off at Longboard, a local well known restaurant and bar.
Stingray Thomas pointed out to me.

Not sure what these are yet?
You guessed it – more snack’n! Thumbs up to the chef! I think everyone enjoyed there appetizers. 

Before we know it,  night was upon us. We made arrangements to head back to St. Thomas via the ferry at 7pm. The sun starts to go down here a little after 6:30pm. Somewhat plays tricks on your inner clock. Come 9pm we are all tired and ready for bed. Some of us struggle through on fight on to see 11 or midnight.

We got back to the resort at around 7:35 and mellowed out for the remainder of the evening. The kids ended up going to hang out with some kids they met the night prior and hung out at the pool.
Giant Sea Urchin with spikes at least two feet wide at Caneel Bay.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Day 4 - Our first Fishing Charter

Female Iguana with Awesome Neon Green
The Fam waiting for lunch at Molly's
So we slept in pretty late this morning and finally rose out of bed around 9am. I guess the sun, water and did I say sun, must have taken it out of all of us yesterday.

We scheduled a fishing charter with Ocean Surfari today at 2pm. It was to be a four hour offshore charter. Unfortunately the weather did not make the trip possible today. Winds this afternoon were around 25-30 mph. Needless to say, it would not have been pretty on the boat. We rescheduled for later next week Friday.

Baby Pampano just in arms reach.
We ended up eating lunch at Molly’s, an Irish themed restaurant located in Red Hook. The local roosters and iguanas hung around like bar hags waiting for us to drop some food. These guys had zero fear factor. They had become well accustomed to the visiting human tourist. Olivia and Thomas managed to feed a couple of the iguanas.

Baby Yellow Snappers about 4in. long.
After lunch we drove around a bit to check out the island, only to cut it short so we could get back to the place. Before heading back to the resort though, we stop back into Moe’s Market and picked up some groceries.The remainder of the day was filled with snorkeling, eating and a little bit of fishing.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Day 3 - Tidbits of St. Thomas Info

The US Virgin Islands consist of four large islands – St. Thomas, St. John, Water Island and St. Croix. We are staying on St. Thomas.

Where exactly are we staying?  If you look at the map below look for Sapphire Beach. It’s on the very eastern side of the island. Look are Red Hook and you will find us. Red Hook is the place where all the marines and ferries go out of.

Here are some great facts and information to get you a little more familiarize with the island.
  • Christopher Columbus first sighted the island in 1493, his second voyage to the New World.
  • The island is 13 long & 4 miles wide and has a land mass of roughly 31 square miles.
  • First settled by the Danish in 1657 and controlled for most of its occupancy, it was sold to the US in 1917 for a small price of $25 million in gold.
  • Charlotte Amalie is the largest city/population and is the commerce heart of the island.
  • St. Thomas is the capital of the US Virgin Islands.
  • Due to its accessibility & location – Food, supplies and general merchandise are very expensive.
  • The island has a population of a little of 51,000.
  • Recent disappearance of game fish has been record by local fisherman. Along with government officials, they believe it may be due to the arrival of LT aka-"Loving Tuna" Schiffers.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Day 2 - First full day and it’s Snorkel Time!

Sunrise here during this time of year is 5:45am – my kind of get-up-n-go time!

Octopus popping his head out of a hole in the coral.
Our Neighbor
When I got up around 6am I tried to be as quite as possible -Not too possible for this knuckle-dragger! Everything I did from running the water, making coffee, to opening up doors, seemed to make a racket. Eventually I just ended up heading outside to the back deck. Thomas got up as well and we both decided to head out for a morning snorkel.
The Ultimate Hiding Champion!

You tend to forget how truly beautiful the ocean and its inhabitants really are. The diversity of fish, corals, fans, sponges and other marine life is overwhelming. From the tiniest of creatures to the predators that run the reef street, you can see them all within an arms reach.

Looked delicious, but couldn't catch'em.
The Virgin Islands are a true hidden treasure not known by every one in the States. The islands are an American territory and therefore the residents are afforded all the rights of the average citizen, except for the right to vote for President. 

Hiding Champion on the run!
Wow!!!! Need I say the wildlife is unbelieveable. 

The local lifeguard!!
We basically did nothing today but lounge around and soak in the sun. It's amazing how bright that sun is the closer you get to the equator. 

Looking forward to dinner. Hoping to have something with Tuna and Lobster. Anna has been scouring the restaurant sites and looking at all the reviews to see what the lucky establishment will be. 

The Fam giving Dad a smile from in front of our Condo. We literally had the beach to ourselves!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

USVI - St. Thomas here we come!!!

Today was the day we flew out for our summer vacation. Destination – Sapphire Beach Resort, St. Thomas.

We arrived at the airport this morning at around 9am and ended up having breakfast at the Charlotte airport at 1897. The restaurant has been there for about two years now and took over the space from Chili’s. For airport food – this is as good as it gets. Great menu and delicious cuisine.

After breakfast, Thomas and I headed down to the terminal while the ladies hit some of the airport shops. We sat down for a bit before Thomas said, “Hey Dad! Isn’t that our new principal?” I turned to him and said, “What, no – not possible! It is most likely someone that looks similar.” Sure enough though, I turned over to look and see who Thomas was talking about and there was Mr. Doug Corwin, Director of Trinity Prepatory School, Thomas’ and Olivia’s new high school they will be attending this fall – 2016. We went over and chatted for a while. What a small world – same day, same time, to the same location – who would have thought?

We boarded the plan at 11:25am and managed to make landfall on St. Thomas at 3:45pm. Baggage took some time to show up at the baggage terminal, but being veterans we fully understand – “Island time!”

Next, onto to Thrifty Car Rental to get our Jeep! Left side Driving – What else is there to say? What were the British thinking? Seriously though, it is somewhat weird if you are not use to it. After a couple of minutes, your brain chimes in and the only time you think about any more is at intersections.

The clan arrived at the Sapphire Beach Resort around 6pm. Prior to arriving we stop at the Food Center, a local grocery store and picked up some snack, drinks and necessities. After a long day of travel, we were all very happy to final get to our destination. When we got in our condo, we noticed that they had welcomed us by having all the pillow cases and towels monogrammed with the letter “S” for Schiffers. The kids thought it may be “S” for Sapphire Beach Resort, but I thought the latter.

After a little downtime and water temperature tests, we managed to drive back down the road to a local restaurant called “Carribbean Saloon”. Awesome food!!! It was like watching four starved animals tear through a seafood menu. Quite amazing – Not much left, even the silverware had some bite marks.

Back to the condo around 10pm to rest up for the days ahead of us.