Thursday, July 28, 2016

Day 2 - First full day and it’s Snorkel Time!

Sunrise here during this time of year is 5:45am – my kind of get-up-n-go time!

Octopus popping his head out of a hole in the coral.
Our Neighbor
When I got up around 6am I tried to be as quite as possible -Not too possible for this knuckle-dragger! Everything I did from running the water, making coffee, to opening up doors, seemed to make a racket. Eventually I just ended up heading outside to the back deck. Thomas got up as well and we both decided to head out for a morning snorkel.
The Ultimate Hiding Champion!

You tend to forget how truly beautiful the ocean and its inhabitants really are. The diversity of fish, corals, fans, sponges and other marine life is overwhelming. From the tiniest of creatures to the predators that run the reef street, you can see them all within an arms reach.

Looked delicious, but couldn't catch'em.
The Virgin Islands are a true hidden treasure not known by every one in the States. The islands are an American territory and therefore the residents are afforded all the rights of the average citizen, except for the right to vote for President. 

Hiding Champion on the run!
Wow!!!! Need I say the wildlife is unbelieveable. 

The local lifeguard!!
We basically did nothing today but lounge around and soak in the sun. It's amazing how bright that sun is the closer you get to the equator. 

Looking forward to dinner. Hoping to have something with Tuna and Lobster. Anna has been scouring the restaurant sites and looking at all the reviews to see what the lucky establishment will be. 

The Fam giving Dad a smile from in front of our Condo. We literally had the beach to ourselves!!

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