Monday, December 3, 2018

Day 8 - Tower of London

After our lunch at Cote Brassieria, we hopped back on to the tour bus and got off by the Tower of London. We spent quite some time at the Tower. It is an area or compound of many buildings with the most amazing one containing the Crown Jewels. I wish we could have taken pictures of the crown jewels, but did manage to get one or two of some of the other items. The place was guards and secured like Fort Know and did not allow any pictures. 

We ended up staying by the Tower of London until right after dark. Once we left the Tower grounds we walked along the river and crossed the Tower Bridge – another iconic London structure. 

Starting to make our way back to the bus stop, we noticed that the traffic was not moving at all. We decided to start walking towards the next stop and then also noticed that some of the buses and taxis didn’t even have any drivers in it. Not sure why or what happened, but we figured the bus was no longer an option for some time. We switch direction and walked along the river heading back towards our hotel.

What better way to break up a walk then with food. Dinner at Cote Brassiere. We had breakfast at one of them earlier this morning, so we knew the food was going to be good. Anna had a steak with fries, along with a calamari appetizer. I had a mussel appetizer with a main dish of Seabream along with a tomato salad. All was very very good. Left there and managed to get down the road a bit before stopping in at the Mad Hatter for a couple of drinks.

Grabbed a cab around 8:30pm and rode back to the hotel. Took a load off our feet for about an hour before heading back downstairs to Ichi – a sushi restaurant – to end our evening. 

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