Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Day 3 - Here Cometh the Snow

Lounged in bed until about 8:30am and then slowly managed to get ourselves ready. Today the weather forecast was guesstimating we would receive up to 8” of snow today here in Denver. Knowing that Anna and I decided to stay downtown and not push our luck on the roads. This is very unusual weather for this time of year and we have been told that the temperature records have been shattered here and around the area.

The bellhop recommended we should go to eat at Snooze at Union Station. He also mentioned we better go early. Fair enough we said. Off we went to 16th street to grab a bus and headed up to Union Station. A beautiful building and definitely a center point for the city. Upon entering the station, Anna softly poked me and said, “Look over there, it’s Jim Belushi.”. I quickly had a rush of movies with him in it speed through my brain. I would have loved to have gotten a photo of Anna and Belushi, but want to respect his privacy.

Found Snooze and was told there would be a 3 – yes I said THREE – hour wait. Nope. I don’t care how great the food is, there is no place worth 3 hours. We left the station and went into the Thirsty Lion. After changing tables just 3 times we got seated in the perfect spot. What a great time to spend with my wife and such an enjoyable breakfast. Anna got an Avacado toast and I got a Spicy Chicken and Waffles. I did not try the toast, but the waffles were the bomb. We hung around and had several beers, while Anna has a Mimosa.

Walked around a bit and then hopped back on the train and headed back to the hotel. Took a break for a bit while Anna took nap. Got motivated again and headed back out around 4:30pm to grab a bite to eat at West of Surrender. I feel like we have been on a culinary tour since we got here. I will need a major two-week fasting when we get home.

Enjoyed the evening walking the town and taking in the snow. Bed and asleep by 9pm.


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