Saturday, April 3, 2021

Day 7 – Long Canyon Road – Overlook

Woke up this morning super refreshed. Both Anna and I had the best rest so far. Anna got up early to go watch the sunrise and ended up going for a walk. I laid in bed for another 20 minutes or so before finally popping my head out of the door. I know I keep saying how amazing and beautiful the vistas and views are, but it’s so true. This place is really something special!

Mama got started making chili. I helped a little. About halfway through the cooking process, a little chipmunk made its appearance. Cute little fellow that kept coming closer and closer. Anna threw the little guy a piece of corn and apparently he is very fond of corn. A few more showed their faces before Papa couldn’t stand it any longer and scoped his way into the chili! As always – Anna rocked on the chili!! Yum, Yum!

We got into this beautiful area yesterday, but with a few people leaving early this morning, we decided to see what new better site might be had. There was another sprinter van, an ST Overland Stealth in a perfect spot the night earlier that had now left and we nab the spot. We had everything packed up pretty good already so the siteswap only took a few minutes.

After setting up at our new campsite, I ended up going out for an hour bike ride and when I returned, Anna was thrilled to have a little chipmunk lick the back of her foot. She had rubbed some lotion on her feet and legs and nodded off in the recliner. She was so happy!!!

We went for about a 35-45 minute walk around the canyon walls and then got back to the car and took an outside shower. Very refreshing and surreal in a place like this. Clean and smelling good, we did nothing for the remainder of the afternoon but sit on our ass, drink beer, and take little adventures walks from time to time.

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