Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 41 – Asta La Vista Monteverde

We were off and jet setting back to the beach today. Destintation was a Doubletree Resort/Hilton in Playa Dona Ana near Puntarenas. It would take about 2 hours to get there. Anna and I thought it would be good to be closer to San Jose. We had done most all there was to do in Monteverde that we wanted to do, so the beach sounded good. Before leaving we stopped one last time at the hotels bird cage and grabbed a couple of peacock feathers.

Down the mountain we went. It seemed to be a much easier drive down than it ever was going up. We stabled out after about an hour and stopped at a soda to grab some smoothies. These smoothies were great. Perfect little stop and break for the kids.  Plus after all that bouncing, we needed to get mommy’s belly settled down.

We hit the Doubletree about an hour later. We hopped out of the car and headed straight for the banos. Thomas and I got stopped walking the grounds. They escorted us back to the front desk and they gave us some bands. We did not know it initially, but this was an all inclusive resort. It made sense now, that we got stopped. It was pretty pricy, so we wanted to check out the grounds.

Five minutes later we were out the door. This place was not us. It was over crowded and had the feel of a 70’s hotel. Two pools and we had seen it all.  Where to next? Anna suggested the Peace Lodge. It definitely had to be better than the Doubletree.

Lovely orchid on the grounds of El Establo that matched Olivia's shirt color.
It would be two more hours on the road until we rolled up to the reception area. I got out the car and went to the front desk. “Hola.” I said. I would like to see about getting a room for the next couple of nights. Next was something we had not heard lately and didn’t think would be possible. “I’m sorry sir, but we are totally book for the next several nights,” the receptionist said. I was speechless. You have to understand, this place is way out and there are not that many place to stay. They recommend a place down the road. We were totally down. Plan was to come back tomorrow though and go to their Waterfall gardens. No problem. We would get a room at the place they suggested and it would all be fine. 

Look down the mountain on the way down to Puntarenas.
Off to the recommended hotel. “No room, we have”, said the next guy. Strike two. It was now around 4pm and it would be dark soon. Not a good time to be looking for rooms. Back in the car and up the mountain to see if the Poas Volcano Lodge had any vacancies. Not luck. Strike three. Down the mountain and heading back towards San Jose, we run into a place call Montana. Looked a little shady. Decided not to stay there. Looked up hotels on the GPS and picked one that sounded decent – Hotel Jardin de Orchidaques. Set it as the destination and off we went.

Wonderful panoramic view on the way down looking into the valley.
I was totally down and this was turning into the worst day of our journey up to now. Let’s just say they were starting to call me “Snappy.” We got to the hotel and it looked fine. I was done driving and ready to get out from behind the wheel. We had some dinner at the place as well and called it a night. Tomorrow would be a new day!

A stop along the way to Playa Dona Ana at a soda for a quick drink!! They were yummy!!!

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