Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 40 – Selvatura Park – Sky Walk

Zip-Lining had been done back in Montezuma. Sky Walking had not yet been attempted. We went off to Selvatura Park at around 10am. It was an attraction park up on top of one of the mountains here in Monteverde. We were going to do the Sky Walk. It was a walk consisting of 8 canopy bridges. They gave you a view and perspective of the canopy unlike anything I had ever been on.  This again was another one of those days where the camera battery was pleading with me to stop. The walk lasted about 2 to 2 ½ hours, but it seemed as if we had just started 15 minutes ago. 

Hibiscus flower that is as wide as a grown man's hand is long. 
This hibiscus almost has a deep dark reddish black center. It's beautiful. They are a slight bit larger than the one above.
A view this morning before leaving from atop of El Establo, where we are staying. If you look closely you can see the pacific ocean in the far distance.
You can pretty much count on this not happening again in the near future!
A shot looking down on the canopy. These just fascinate me because of all the diversity.
Anna spotted this. Look closely. The plant going across the picture is a palm. It is being strangled by a vine that is systematically wrapping itself around the palm leaf to the very end.
A bloom we spotted in the very top of the canopy.
Anna on one of the Sky Bridges.

A Panoramic view of the same above. I wish I could have gone wider.
First frog find in the Cloud Forest. This guy was tiny.
Kids posing and enjoying there walk at Selvatura Park Sky Walk.
Just a shot across the vegetation. 
These were so big and so heavy they laid on the ground.
They apparently grow these things pretty large here.
This is the back of the leaf from above. 
Not sure what berries or flower this was, but they were a deep blue.
A look across a banana plant leaf.
A BIG "HELLO" from Selvatura Park in Monteverde, Costa Rica.

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