Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 13 – Relaxing the rest of the day

After fishing earlier the most excitement that was left to be had, was heading down to the local grocery store. We annihilated the refrigerator and everything left on the counter, so provisions were definitely in order. Mainly, we were in need of the regular staples – milk, eggs, orange juice, fruits, and some snacks. Super David is becoming our market of choice and most everything seems to be fresh. The eggs we purchased here locally came out of a hen’s hind end on the 28th of June, just a couple of days ago. The pineapples were picked from a local field days ago. Our limes we pick a couple steps outside the kitchen door. So on and so on.

The neighbor here has a tree with berries that look similar to black berries. Looking at going to go pick some tomorrow and hopefully get some star fruit from one of the neighbors.
After shopping, Anna prepared dinner. She cooked up the tuna that Eric dropped off earlier. Wow, it was delicious. We ended up having some corn on the cob and cucumber/tomato salad as well. Really hit the spot. I think this was the day we didn’t have six square meals. We have been eating like kings and queens here, so it was nice only having dinner today.

I took a picture of our local phone book. As you will notice it consists of one page. The page is broken into three columns. Look at the right side of the left page. The comical thing is it doesn’t even take up a whole column. If you took out the directory headers it wouldn’t even be half of the column. To make it more comical, the book is a 4”x11”. It is only half the size of the regular sized phone book.

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