Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 35 – C-Ya Cubaya!

It was tough to leave this morning. Our Cabuya house stay officially ended today. Rosa came to the house around 7:30am this morning. We had planned to be out of the house at 8am, but actually didn’t get out until 8:40am. We’d done some packing the day before, but left most of everything to pack this morning. We simply couldn’t get motivated enough to pack the day prior. It was somewhat tough to leave this place. We had really come to enjoy the house and had found comfort and familiarity with it.

We were thinking of going to Curu Wildlife Refuge today until around 2pm and then onto San Miguel. Since we were not sure how long it would take to get to San Miguel we made the 2pm our hard stop. It gets dark here at 6pm and driving on the roads here is just no fun at night. When we left the house we stopped over at the Hotel Caleja and wished everyone farewell. We headed north and stopped for breakfast a little shy of Tambor. The place we chose was at one of the only two or three golf course resorts in Costa Rica. It wasn’t too shabby. We finally got out of the restaurant at around 11:30am. We drove another 10 minutes and finally got to the refuge.

Taking a nap on the way to San Miguel.
We debated on going in or simply coming back in a couple of days and give Curu our full attention, instead of some have hearted pass through for a couple of hours. We chose to come back on this upcoming Wednesday. This way we could get to San Miguel a little earlier and make a day of it. Anna and I took turns driving this afternoon. We eventually made it into San Miguel at around 2:50pm. It’s a quaint small town consisting of only some houses and a few hotel/restaurant establishments. San Francisco De Coyote is the closest town, about 10km away, with any type of store. We will most likely go there tomorrow for some provisions.

Just got to the beach at San Miguel. The kids loved the wide open beach.
We have checked into a place called “The Flying Scorpion” (www.theflyingscorpion.com). We rented the room above the restaurant. It has two queen beds, a small seating area and its own bathroom. All the windows are screened. I am hoping to get some sort of breeze through the place this evening. When we first checked in, the lady showed us the rooms and we agreed on the place and price. She then told me we would settle up at the end of our stay. No id, deposit, or personal information required or exchanged. Where anymore does that happen?

Close to sunset in San Miguel looking down the beach.
After unloading the car, we all headed down to the beach. Beautiful wide strand with gentle waves. Nothing like it had been over on the eastern side of the Nicoya Peninsula. The other thing we had been looking forward to was that we would now be able to see the sunset over ocean. It was not possible where we had been staying, so this was to be a treat. Of course when we got to the beach we quickly started looking for shells. This beach looks to be a sand dollar haven. You can see the live sand dollars in the sand all over. Unfortunately, we weren’t too successful in finding many whole dead sand dollars. Tomorrow is another day though, plus we really missed the tide.

Dinner was to start at 6pm. That’s when the Sushi could be ordered. We ordered at around 6:01pm. Ha, Ha. You know the Schiffers family and their sushi. We ordered a vegetable tempura for appetizer and then each of us got a roll. Olivia and Thomas both got a Caterpillar roll, Anna got a Rainbow roll, and I got a Tampa and 911 roll. The vegetable tempura was incredible and huge. It was a sign of what was to come. What came was incredible as well. The 911 roll was spicy to perfection. It was super yummy! I could have hammered down a couple more of that roll. The nice thing was that right after dinner, we simply went straight upstairs and relaxed a bit.

Before we went off to bed, we headed out for a little walk on the beach hoping to see some turtles nesting.

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