Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 14 - Good Morning North America!!

Last day of week two. Woke up to a tree full of green parrots signing me “Good Morning”. They almost sound like a flock of seagulls, when they are that many singing together. There are several varieties of the parrots in Costa Rica, including the Red-Lored Parrot and the Orange-Lored Parrot. Not sure that they are the species that we keep seeing or hearing though.

Got everyone up and moving this morning by 7:30. Low tide was going to be at 10:03 this morning, so we wanted to try and get out of the house by 8:30 and hit Panaderia Bakery for breakfast before snorkeling. Christine was the first to greet us, as usual. No one was really hungry this morning, except for Anna. Olivia ordered a lemon drink and Thomas got a smoothie with yogurt. Anna ordered a ham omelet, along with a plate of hashbrowns. The hashbrowns were made into little cakes, four of them. Something about them was different. I could totally tear up a plate of those. I ordered a café con leche. Pretty good, but Anna’s expresso was far better. I will be ordering one of those the next time instead.

We left the bakery about 9:45 and made a quick walk of it down to the beach. It was definitely low tide. We had not seen it this low since arriving.  The sea floor was out for the viewing and the pools were teaming with life. We walked across the vast open to Cemetery Island. The point on the island, the locals say, has the best snorkeling around.
Outfitted with mask and snorkel, Anna and Thomas went walking into the water heads down ready to see the first aquatic life. Olivia and I walked around the pools looking for shells and creatures. Thomas was the first to scream out, “Starfish”. Next came, “Octopus”. We all ran across a beautifully colored eel. It was wrapped around a rock and was intertwined amongst the coral. Wish I could have taken a picture of it, but unfortunately I did not have my camera with me.
The kids found numerous amounts of starfish of all kinds and sizes. Lots of tiny little fish and a handful of some bigger ones found their way into some of the pools. We only had two sets of mask and snorkels, so we had to take turns. I went out for a bit, but then let the kids hop back in. Jenny and Sam, the two ladies we met the other day, stopped and chatted with us while we watched the kids. Great girls who we found out just recently both got their doctorate degrees. We stayed out on the point for at least two hours. Tide was starting to come back in and we figured we’d better head back before getting stuck on the island. This was definitely a place the kids will want to come back to.
We walked back across to the mainland with Sam (Samantha) and Jenny. They took us by their house and showed us their digs. Nice villa on the beach. We invited them to come by for dinner this evening and hit the pool for a little swim. Think they will be venturing this way about 4pm.
After we got back to the house, I headed to the store to grab some Imperials for later on. On the way back to the house as I was passing Café Coyote, I noticed a group of howlers right in the tree next to me. I wish I would have had my camera with me. The monkeys were literally about four to five feet away from me. I went back to the house and grabbed the camera hoping the monkeys hadn’t moved. As I got back, they were still in the same vicinity, but had climbed to higher safety. I zoomed in and managed to fire off a couple of good shots. Hopefully they will all turn out.

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