Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 19 – Dinner with the Texans

Jen and Sam, along with Sam’s Mom, her brother Alex and his girlfriend Amber came over for dinner last night. Sam’s family is in from Texas, just arriving several days ago. As soon as everyone came to the house, we all pitched in and started the cooking chores. It was to be fish night. Sam brought her famous Masa balls and the ladies made tortillas. Olivia was great to get in the middle of it and help with the tortilla making. All I had to do was man the grill. No problem. Anna prepared all the fish and gave me my orders.

We also had some green beens (prepared by Amber), beans (prepared by Anna), rice (prepared by Sam) and some Hot Dogs (prepared by Carlos Meyer). Carlos’ didn’t taste anything like Oscar’s. Oscar’s is definitely better. Anyway, the hot dogs were for the kids.

It was about 5:30 when we sat down for dinner. We chatted and told stories for about an hour before jumping in the pool. It was a great way to wind down the day.  

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