Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 39 - Frogs, Frogs, Frogs

It would be very hard to trump the walk we did earlier this morning at the Monteverde Cloud Forest, but we still had an afternoon of fun ahead of us. The walk took every bit of four hours and everyone was ready for some grub. We had seen a restaurant yesterday on the way through town called the “Tree House”. It was a restaurant and hotel built around a massive tree. The restaurant looked packed when we went by, so that was either by the chance or the food was that good.

We got a table positioned right in the middle of the place. Definitely a unique idea and a great marker or calling card for a restaurant. You are not going to miss this place. Anna got a Ribeye Steak which she really enjoyed. Olivia got a garden salad and I got a hamburger. Thomas ended up sharing off of everyone’s plate. Lunch didn’t take too long.

Next, Thomas had his heart set on visiting the Frog Pond. It was only a couple of kilometers from where we were staying and it sounded like it would be a neat place to visit. We had been looking for those tiny little guys for the last several days here in the rainforest. So learning about them and their habitat might help in our success of finding some in the wild.

The tour lasted a little over an hour and at the end we had a new appreciation for frogs and toads. The diversity in all the species is astounding. As you may know, some of the rainforest frogs are poisonous. These are the real colorful ones, warning their prey that if you eat me, you will die. But they had all kinds, each unique and distinct. One was translucent and you could see its heart beat and all its organs. Another toad was so large that it ate baby chicks. Some blended so well that even when they were pointed out, they were still hard to see. It goes without saying that this was Thomas’ place. He was the tour guide’s unofficial assistant. He managed to find almost all the frogs for the guide. He was sad to see the tour end when it did.

After the Frog Pond, we headed back to the hotel and did a little swimming. We had not had any internet, but for a brief moment over the last week. It seemed that today we would. While the kids swam, I managed to get online. However the connection was terrible slow. So when the kids got done swimming, we went back to the room and let the kids veg-out. Anna and I then went to the mainly lobby area to get online. It was to have a much better connection. We both grabbed a couple of beers and got techie.

Around 8pm we all head out for dinner at a Tapas bar above Johnny’s Pizza. Great prices and delicious food, especially the Fillet de Corvina (Sea Bass). We ended up getting two actually and also got a couple of salads. Everyone also shared a Pork Cutlet and an order of mussels. We managed to scarf it all down, eventually calling it a night.

We were all asleep, except for Anna, before our heads hit the pillows.

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