Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 12 - Dinner at Cafe Coyote

We ended up having dinner at Café Coyote last night with Eric and Jenny. Eric and Jenny went to Tortuga today and told us of their adventures. We are looking forward to going out there ourselves. We will probably make it out there next week. We all had several beers and the ladies shared a couple of margaritas.  Jenny, the owner (different Jenny), made some delicious pizza for all us. Needless to say, the pie pans were empty at the end of the meal.

One cute moment of the evening was when Anna asked Thomas to tell Jenny something in German. As innocent as can be, Thomas asked Anna, “Should I tell her how beautiful she is in german?” The hearts of both women melted and Jenny even cried a tear.  Could have been the margaritas. My little Casanova!!
It was around 9pm and headed back home. Everyone was pretty much spent from the day.
If you look really closely on the small picture at the top, you may find two sea slugs doing a great job at camoflague. It may help if you click on the picture and enlarge it. One is in the dead center of the picture and the other is right above it.

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