Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 19 - Aboard the Mighty Albatros I

It was rise and shine at the Schiffers’ Casa this morning at 5:30am. Needless to say that the crew of the soon to be Albatros I, was not happy with the wake-up call. We had a hard day yesterday and the kids were still pretty tired from all the walking over to Mal Pais. Regardless, no time for lounging around this morning. We had to meet the captain at 6:45am. Cast off from the seaport of Cabuya was promptly at 7am. We loaded the provisions (the cooler), boarded the mighty vessel and off we went.

Our guide today was Poyo (Jenny’s husband from CafĂ© Coyote), captain was Macho (Macho-Man), and Eric was the co-captain. Add two kids, one hot lady and goofy looking dude and you got yourself one packed boat. As we pushed off, the water was smooth as glass. Well, more like rippled glass. After about twenty minutes out though it turned to four to six foot swells.

Macho rigged the lines and off we went trolling. We trolled for about 10 minutes before reeling the lines back in. Macho wanted to try a different area. Who were we to argue? No problem. Pull’em up and let’s head to a better place. After the lines were in, we headed around the point and tried again. Two minutes in trolling one of the lines got a hit. Thomas was up for the challenge. Macho handed him the rig and instructed him how to reel the fish in. Thomas reeled the fish in a bit, before having Anna take over and finish the task. Thirty seconds later, Anna pulled up a beautiful Black Tuna. Everyone smacked their lips, because this guy was going to look good on the grill later.

We cast out the lines again and trolled a little longer until we got another hit. Olivia was up. Olivia took to the rig like a 10 year veteran. She reeled in a Black Tuna as well. She was all smiles. Looked like we just added a dinner to the previous lunch. Each one of these fish will easily feed a family of four for two meals. So in my mind, we were going to have some yummy meals. You know us and sushi!!! We can downright 8 second a tuna!!

Lines back out and we kept trolling. Around two hours passed and nothing hit the lines. We ended up going back and forth and even swapped out some lures. It was now getting close to the end of our 3 hour excursion and I was afraid the two tunas would be all we would catch for the day. Just then, a line hit. It hit hard and ran. Macho grabbed the pole. It was actually the pole Poyo had been manning most of the morning. Poyo had rigged it with his so-called “Rastafari” lure. I put on the pole belt and Macho handed me the rig. I started to reel in the fish. “Not a lot fight”, I thought. This guy was most likely going to be another Black Tuna. It took about a minute of reeling and we all noticed it was a Mackerel. A very nice sized Mackerel. Everyone was totally excited. To us it meant that we were now also going to have Mackerel for dinner.

With the newly re-found enthusiasm and excitement, the guys extended the time and circled to go for another. We made a couple more passes, but came up short. Macho and Eric had another charter at noon, so we all needed to head back to Cabuya. Once we arrived to shore, Eric cut and gutted the fish. We bagged the fish and headed for home. Lunch was to be delicious….

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