Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 31 – Oh What a Feelin’

Since we will be leaving Cabuya soon, we’ve needed to make additional arrangement for the upcoming week. We have not had a car now for about four weeks, but Daddy is getting one on Friday. We simply won’t know what to do with ourselves with a car. Having one here really broadens your options, from a time perspective. Some places you simply don’t want to go because it would just take way too much time with a bus and almost too expensive with four people. A car levels the playing field for some of those want to go places. As you can probably tell, I’m somewhat excited.

Anna and I had some coffee and tried to plan the day today. It’s pretty stressful here, you know? We had many options, but the kids really wanted to do some more snorkeling at Cemetery Island. I figured it was most likely going to be the last day we did snorkeling, so why not? Low tide today was at 12:12. We left the house at 10:30. Plenty of time to get in some fish time and hopefully catch another glimpse of an octopus.

Nice size iguana on the way to Cemetery Island.
When we got near Cemetery Island, Anna broke off and went over to visit Yami and Kevin. We met Yami and Kevin at the Hotel Caleja the other day and they are living at a Swiss gentleman’s estate which is absolutely stunning. The property is a seven acre lush, beautiful and well maintained garden. Two full time landscapers live and work the grounds daily. They have water apple trees, rainbow eucalyptus trees, ever possible palm tree, all types of fruit trees and host of others I can’t identify. Anna wanted to get a tour of the place while the kids and I snorkeled. Anna got just that.

Small Garro sitting in one of the palms on our property.
The kids and I snorkeled for about two hours. The sun today was the brightest it has been in several weeks, so needless to say it was hot. VERY HOT!! Temperature wise it is not bad here, but the sun rays simply fry you. Our backs and melons felt it too. So after the two hours, we were ready to head out and get into the shade and have something ice cold. We walked over to Yami and Kevin’s place and picked up mom and headed to the nearest soda.

Late lunch at Soda Castanito
Start of new bee nest. I had to do a couple of looks on this one.
Yami, Anna and the kids as we leave there place. She was showing us a palm with a red stalk.
The soda we stopped at was Soda Castanito. It is located directly across from the Super David. We have eaten at most of the other places here in Cabuya, but have not tried this one. Food was pretty good. Olivia and I had quesadillas, Anna had a fajita and Thomas went with the traditional hamburger. Olivia and I thought ours was the best. Which it was. 

Walking home after lunch. They graded our road a couple of days ago. They covered all the run off ditches. Smart, huh?

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