Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 39 - A Day in Nature - Part One

Today we all woke up early and got over to the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve by 7:30am. This is what we had been dying to do since we arrived last night. It was a morning and early afternoon of exploration and breathtaking surroundings. My descriptions won’t do any justice here, so I will simply let the pictures tell the story. I pulled some out that I thought everyone would enjoy.

Monteverde - Looking out of the hotel room at El Establo at around 5:15am.
Not everyday you see a puma crossing sign.
See if you can find the Stick Bug.
Centipede of some kind on the we ran across will in Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve.
This guy had to click every bit of 50 meters tall.
I thought this was an abnormal amount of fungi on the side of a tree.
These are some mean thorns coming off the side of this tree. Pretty sharp. I touched them.
A bat sheltering the day away in a curled palm. I looked in it hoping to see a frog. Never thought I would see a bat taking shelter.
Not sure of the flower, but this was only one in bush of many.
An incredible looking orchid.
A view on the continental divide. This was facing the Atlantic side. I wish the sky would have been clear. 
My princess taking a glare across the valley of clouds. We had maybe 50-70 feet visibility. 

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