Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 22 - Some Cool Pics for Viewing

I looked back at some of the pictures I took over the last four days and wanted to share some of these with you. Hope you enjoy them as well.
Accommodations in Montezuma. Looked like an interesting place.
On the way to Montezuma. It was a really beautiful view. 
Off some rocks near Playa Los Credos, near Cabuya.
It's whats for lunch. This little lady was looking pretty good after all the chicken and fish.
Hibiscus are here everywhere. There are simply magnificent.
Not sure what the flower is, but looked very pretty.
Off Cemetary (Cemetery) Island. I had the camera in the water when I took this shot.
Not sure if this is a local species, because I have only seen it once. Grows in masses. 
Self Protrait of the Schiffers Clan at Beija Flor.
On the drive back from Mal Pais. The kids were being funny. We were ready to go up a big hill of nothing but trenches.
Guanacasta Tree trunk upside down on the beach. Just looked cool.
Army Ants are traveling this vine. Just imagine what the remainder of the trail looked like.
Gorgeous breakers.
The kids on the rocks off of Montezuma.

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