Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 34 – Montezuma’s Revenge

It was our last full day in Cabuya before heading out, so we wanted to go to Montezuma one last time. We figured it had the largest variety of stores with whatnots that we had seen in the past month. It actually has four whatnots stores. Oh yeah, I counted. So we headed in and picked up some items we had seen on our earlier visits. Some of the items we didn’t pick up earlier because we didn’t have a car. We figured it would be a pain trying to haul the stuff around on a bus and surely weren’t going to carry it for 5 miles.

As soon as we got done shopping we headed back in the direction of Cabuya. Since we were still in Montezuma and it was lunch time, we decided to give Playa de los Artistas another go. We had eaten at the place a few days earlier for dinner and it was divine. Lunch was just as good. We basically ordered a schmorgeous board of appetizers. We managed to almost eat all of it, except for a few mozzarella balls that we took back home with us.

Appetizers at Playa De Los Artistas
On the way home we picked up some girls and their mom. As we got to Rio Lajas (Lajas River), Thomas and I jumped out for a swim. The girls decided to go and change and come back. The river had been at the lowest that we had seen since we had arrived in Cabuya. We crossed the river almost daily and wanted to get in one last swim before we left. Today the water was at such a low point, we couldn’t resist. Decisions, Decisions.

A Big Shout Out to Everyone from Mama!
We eventually left the river at around 3:30pm and made our way over to Jen and Sam’s. They had invited us over for some cerveza and fish for dinner. When we arrived at their place we were met by Jen and she informed us that someone had thrown cow patties into their pool. Quite a bit of cow patties. A large intentional amount of cow patties. Change of plans. We piled into the Schiffers Shuttle and went back to our place.
Up close pics of some fishes in the Lajas river we swam .

Back at the splash pad, we all giggled and laugh for the better part of the evening. We ended up having a mix of things for dinner and finished up the remainder of the cervezas. Sam busted out the Texas Farkel, a game of chance that is played with 6 dices, at around 8pm and we played it for the rest of the night. Before long we all said our goodbyes and I took the ladies home.

New birdies that just hatched at the house. 
We hated to tell our new friends goodbye.  It was an honor and pleasure to meet the both of them. I’m sure our paths will cross again one day.

Can't get any better than this!

Come-A, Come-A, Come-A, Come-A, Come-A Chameleon, Red, Gold and Green, Red, Gold and Greeneeeneeen!!!

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