Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 23 - Fencing in Costa Rica

As you have probably seen now in most of the pictures that we have posted, it is totally green here. No green thumb requirements needed here to grow anything. If you have looked at some of the pictures on previous blogs, you will have notice that all the fence posts here are trees. The locals use branches of a tree as a post for fencing. The simply cut a branch and stick it in the ground. It will root eventually and start growing. This just amazed me.

The wet and dry seasons bring vast changes. As the wet season gives way to the dry season, things die. Here, that's a lot of things. So decomposition is a big part of the cycle of nature here.

And guess who helps with that decomposition? That's right, termites. Termites play a major role here. They are one of the major cleaners of jungle floor. Typical fence posts as we know it in the states would not last here a season. Termite mounds here are common. Very common. You can basically look around and most likely see several within eyesight. Dead wood is simply not an option to use here as fence posts. It doesn't make sense to.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! You are really getting settled in Costa Rica :-)! Bring Milagro along - I'm sure Zoe will monkey-sit foc :-). Cute!
    Be safe!
