Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 32 – Evening at Playa de los Artistas

Dinner reservations were at 5:30pm, but we had arrived thirty minutes early. The hostess came to meet us at the front on the place and ushers us to our table. It was the largest table in the place and the only on with silverware on it. I guess they were expecting us.

The restaurant is well hidden from the road and unless you knew it was there, you would never see it. The only hint of existence is a small sign at the entrance to the place right at the road. As you walk in, you meander through a little garden until you come up to an opened air small covered pavilion like structure. Under the cover were about 5 tables. Our table however, was in an opening facing the beach along with two other couples tables, placed a little closer to the strand. They also had one rather large short table with mat and pillows for those that wanted to even more relaxed approach. The property was amazingly protected from all sides by nature. You could not see any other establishments anywhere in the restaurant or near the strand.

The menu was hand written. I couldn’t read what the heck it was, but it all looked delicious. They have a different menu every day I’m told. It is to take advantage of the daily catches, veggies in season, and primarily to keep things fresh and new. They want customers coming back, each time having a totally new experience. I really like their approach. It only works if the chef can cook though. That was still left to be determined.

The kids being funny and doing some posing.
Jen had read online that the way to approach this restaurant is to order appetizers or go tapas like and simply keep them coming. That may have worked with a couple, but our gang of six had been playing in the sun all day, trekked to Playa Grande, and were famished…. Well maybe not famished, but really really hungry. We had ordered our drinks and when the waitress returned we ordered five appetizers. Shortly thereafter another waitress came and took our dinner order.

Appetizers were out for the devouring.

Thomas went out onto the beach while we waited for the appetizers to arrive. The rest of us chatted and hoped that the food would arrive soon. It eventually did and it looking amazing. The five appetizers were all very well prepared. One was a Mackerel Pate (Sorry no symbols on the keyboard), Stuff Red Pepper with Grouper, Seabass Cerviche, Tuna Salad of some sort, and a Bruschetta. Hands down, my favorite was the bruschetta.

Menu at Playa de los Artistas in Montezuma. We had appetizer (left side) #1,3,5,6,7
After the appetizer annihilation, the dinner came and it looked phenomenal! Anna had order a whole seabass with potates, Olivia got a beef stew with rice, and I got a filet mignon. I believe Sam ordered a zucchini type dish and Jen got a Goat spread (appetizer dish) of some kind a fish plate.  We hammered down the meals until there was nothing left to hammer on. The food was the best we have had in Costa Rica, aside from the dinner at Anchio’s. We all agreed it was the best place we had eaten at here in Montezuma or Cabuya. I wish we would have discovered this place earlier.

A beautiful heron hanging out right by the table.
Thomas going for a Zen moment before the meal arrives.
What more needs to said?
A view of Playa de los Artistas from the beach when we first arrived at 5pm.

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