Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 14 - Soccer - Cabuyan Style

Cabuya, population yet to be determined, has its own soccer stadium. The team name is "FC Cabuya". You guessed it, "Football Club Cabuya". Okay, Okay. Their still looking for team sponsorship, but can you believe the surroundings you would be playing in?

Stadium Entrance.
They play the local villages weekly by what I hear. I would actually like to go out and see a game here one week, just to see the action. Now knowing the surroundings, this is probably the major social meeting place for the entire town to get together once a week to have some fun.

Field. Barricades are made of Palm trees and greenery.
The field, or should I say the grass, is a short bermunda type grass. As you look around the field, the trees bump right up to the edge. I don't believe I have ever seen that at any other soccer field.

Locker Rooms.
As for the locker rooms, they are small accomodations but do the trick. Not sure I would want to be one of eleven guys crammed in their though.

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