Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 36 – Sunshine in San Miguel

Anna and I had gone down to the beach this morning on a walk before the kids woke up. When we returned the kids joined us downstairs for some breakfast. Olivia and I got waffles, Anna got French toast and Thomas got a side order of bacon. Yummmmmy! The breakfast here reminds me of the “The Original Pancake House” in Charlotte. Only difference is that here you are looking at the ocean and can go in your bathing suite. We all ended up sharing each other’s breakfast and then headed down to the beach.  

Earlier yesterday evening, Anna found a book by Jimmy Buffet and started to read it. She took it down to the beach and got in one of the hammocks. I joined her in the hammock a little later for a head scratch that seemed to last for hours. Olivia and Thomas stayed busy in the sand. Thomas built a bridge that spanned a little creek run-off near the hammocks. We watched him build for the better part of an hour. Olivia spent most of the time shell hunting and exploring her surroundings.

It was around 1pm when we finally got off the beach and decided to head up the road for some lunch. On the drive in yesterday we saw a restaurant called the Pizza Tree. Pretty funky looking place. Unfortunately when we got there he was not serving any pizza yet. Due to the low amount of business during wet season, they fire up the oven for dinner only. Looks like we are coming back for dinner. We continued on down the road and headed to San Francisco De Coyote, the closet town. Basically, we wanted to buy a couple of things for the cooler and some snacks for the beach. After the store, we came back to the Flying Scorpion and headed back out to the beach one more time before dinner. 

Beautiful flower on the property of "The Flying Scorpion".
Single footprints on the beach. We were the only one here!!! Amazing. 
Anna chillin' in the hammock.
Known by the locals as the "Cow Church". The cows can be seen all around the church. 
Some more local flowers.

Incredible Orchids here on "The Flying Scorpion" property.
Awesome blossom.
From a dead coconut, a new sprout of life is shooting out.

Olivia showcasing a new sand dollar find. They grow'em big here!
Bright construction by Thomas
Around 4pm on San Miguel. Olivia and Thomas are in the distance.

The Pizza Tree Restaurant

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