Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 19 – Afternoon of Laziness….

Since fishing has just about worn out those kids of ours, we decided that a restful afternoon was in order. Connie down the road from us had gotten sick a couple of days ago. Come to find out she had come down with the Norwalk Virus. Anna had made some chicken soup and I took it down to Jon around 1pm and visited for a while. She will hopefully be feeling a lot better tomorrow. Jon had taken her to the doctor and he indicated that she should be feeling better in a couple of days. We wish her a quick recovery.
Anna prepared some of the fish we caught earlier and I fired up the grill to have some for lunch. We basically grilled just a couple of mackerel filets and a little bit of tuna. She prepared the mackerel ceviche style. It turned out awesome. We will most likely make it for dinner as well. The kids and I ended up swimming the afternoon away. Lots of fun in the sun was the name of the game this afternoon.

Sam (Samantha) called around 3:30pm and wanted to see if we would like together with her family that just arrived and Jen for the evening. I think they may be coming over for dinner. Should make for a fun night.

Almost looks like a mackerel, only cuter!!!

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