Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 39 - A Day in Nature - Part Two

Okay. Here's the token family shot. Pretty good looking family though if I say so myself.
Thomas found this rock formation on the path and brought it to me. I took it over to the side and simply had to take a picture. It had to be a sign finding a cross in the middle of the cloud forest!
Bright yellow bush in Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve.
What almost every other leaf looked like that we saw. 
Olivia spotted this guy and it looked really cool.
Looking down on the canopy. Really look and see all the different types of foliage that you see. I was flabbergasted!!
Just a moss shot.
Bright over the canopy! Only 10 person max capacity. Was about 100 meter bridge.
Thomas pointed out this fungi on one of the trees we passed. Can't say I have ever seen a red mushroom or fungi until today!
Who's your Daddy Longleg???
Not sure what the hummingbird species is, but I felt lucky to get this shot!
Another hummingbird shot. This guy was flapping his wings.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're all having a terrific time!! The pictures are so great and we miss you all! Say hi to mama and the kids from us.
    Jen and Sam
