Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 32 - Playing at Playa Grande

Today was Corrolla’s birthday. Corrolla is the lovely young wife of Marco from the Hotel Caleja. We were going to Playa Grande today, but wanted to stop in prior and wish her a happy birthday. We walked to the hotel and spent a little time with them watching the TdF (Tour de France) until the bus came where we joined up with Jen and Sam.

Now when I say the bus, it was actually a minivan today. The bus had apparently broken down and was out of service today. The four of us along with 8 others and their backpacks and gear all piled into this little van. Anna, Olivia, Jen and Sam all sat in the back seat, along with Thomas sitting on Olivia’s lap. I managed to get the wheel well of the back left tire. Not too comfy if I may add, but it would only be seven short bumpy kilometers.

Crammed into the back of the "Bus of the Day" on our way to Montezuma.
After the bus dropped us off at the bus stop in Montezuma, we headed straight to the supermarket. Grabbed a few sandwiches and snacks for the road and off we went to Playa Grande. It took about 40 minutes to get there, but well worth the walk. We got there about two hours before low tide, so most of our time there the beach was pretty wide. Everyone played in the surf off and on, while some of us went looking for shells. We left the beach around 2:30pm to walk back to the river to get in some fresh water. Nothing like rinsing off the salt water after a day a swimming.

Thomas showing off his climbing skills. For a moment there I thought it have been a howler monkey.
The river empties into a nice big pool before emptying into the ocean. On the banks of the river and beach is a place where the locals stack rocks for good luck and spiritual well being. Thomas tried his hands at stacking himself and made a pretty impressive little tower. In and around the pool the area is littered with millions of tiny rounded stones of every color. They have made their way down the mountain over time and it makes this area so colorful. One can see why the locals like it here. We waddled in the pool for about an hour before finally heading into town to grab some dinner.

Thomas built a little shelter for everyone in case it rained.

Cooling off in the river pool near Montezuma after a day of swimming and playing at Playa Grande.

Thomas doing his spiritual stacking.

Some stones off the bottom of the river. The differences in colors was amazing.

Frangipani blossom on a tree near the river we played. at.

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