Thursday, March 29, 2018

Day 2 - Powder Hounds!

Olivia, LT and Big Papa were hitting Heavenly Ski Slope today. Luckily we rented all the equipment yesterday, so all we needed to do today was to get the lift tickets.

Anna and I got up pretty early and went down for breakfast at 7am. Our body clocks were still a bit out of whack, not truly knowing what time it was. I called the kids at 7:15am to wake them, as the rental place was opening at 8 and we wanted to get our skis early. They managed to drag their rumps down a few minutes later and we all took advantage of the continental buffet.

With bellies full and  gear on, it was off to the rental place. Everything is very close here, literally within a really short walking distance. Once out of the hotel, we basically went less than a block and grab the rentals, purchased the lift tickets and started to get in line for the Gondola. Thomas has already gotten in line a few minutes prior, but as Olivia and I were walking to the back of the line a ski instructor approached us. “You guys taking lessons?” he asked. Olivia and I both responded with an enthusiastic – Yes! “Follow me,” he said and took us to the front of the line. Guess that was just - Schiffers' luck!

The ride up on the gondola was amazing! Beautiful first time views of the entire lake and mountain scape. Pictures really don’t do the views any justice. The ride took a little over 10 minutes and once out, Olivia and the boys split ways. Olivia’s ski lesson started a little before 10am, so LT and I hit the first ski lift we saw. It was all powder from there on out!

Everyone, including Anna, meet up at the ski school around 12:30 for some snacks. Afterwards the kids and I ended up doing a couple more runs. Anna and I headed back down the mountain around 2:30 and the kids stayed and skied for another hour or so. Beaten and whooped there wasn’t much energy left in any of us.

Olivia, Anna and I went to grab a bite at the Lucky Beaver a little later and slowly made our way back to the room only to call it an early night.

I'll be updating the post with some additional photos and videos in the upcoming days. Internet usage and technical obstacles are not allowing me to put up all the images I would like today.

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