Monday, April 9, 2018

Day 11 – Yosemite Valley Closed to Visitors

Our fears came true this morning when we were alerted that the entire valley was closed to patrons. I had a gut feel that our access to CA120 would be cut off due to the flooding. However, we decided to attempt to drive down towards the valley floor and see if we could get access to 120. We were encountered with closed roads and traffic enforcement - No good!

NPS Enforcement informed us that the only way out was to go via CA41. It took us about a 1.5 hours out of the way, but it was a relief to hear we would not be pigeon held in the valley.

Our flight was at 6:43pm, so we had plenty of time to make our way to Reno. We left our place at 8am this morning and planned to stop for some time in Carson City. The road closure definitely put a crinkle in the plan for the day, but ended up being the best thing that could have happened. The drive through the south side of the valley and then across the Sierra’s was breathtaking. It was undoubtedly the most beautiful mountain drive I had ever done in my life. We went from elevations of 1000 to 6000 feet at least 4 to 5 times and up to 9000 feet twice.

It is truly wonderful to see the differences in the landscapes from one to the next. We went through a minimum of five different elevation/landscape changes. Each as different and diverse as the next. The pictures and images we took do not do the places justice. We jumped from the 40’s to the 60’s, then back to the 30’s and shortly thereafter back to the 60’s. From rain, to clear skies, to the snow-packed mountains and back to the dry sandy floor of Reno.

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