Friday, April 6, 2018

Day 9 - Yosemite and the many falls

The day we had been waiting for had arrived and we could not have asked for better temperatures. Early spring is a big time for the park, as the snow melt brings the waterfalls to life. Anna and I woke up at 6am and she cooked a wonderful breakfast of eggs, bacon and biscuits to get us off to the right start. Before the biscuits finished baking around 7am, I woke the kids. We all eat quickly and gathered our things to head down to the park.

Exploration started at Yosemite Falls, a majestic place in the park with fabulous views. From the valley floor, the walk to Yosemite Falls vista was short. It was one of those places that once visited, you know the grandeur and wonder of the place was created by something far bigger than you.

The goal for day was to hike the Mist Trail to Vernal Falls. It was a taxing hike but well worth the walk. The hike was pretty much straight up for two miles. The last half mile was a staircase rock climb beside the falls. Rocks were slippery, but luckily we had walking poles.

After the falls we headed over to the Village Store and grab a bit of lunch. I then took the family over to a stop near the river and let LT fish for a while. We needed to get gas for the car and I did not want us stuck in the middle of Yosemite without gas, so I attempted to drive back to the gas station we went to the day prior. Their generator had been out for days and was acting temperamental. Luckily it was working when I got there. Car filled and back to troops I went.

The girls had walked to the base El Capitan, the famous mountain climbing rock, while I went for gas. Part of the rock was closed to climbers due to nesting birds and loose rocks. The bottom section was open to climbers, but this was apparently not the season for them to climb.

With all of us spent and having an amazing day, we drove back to the house and called it a day.

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