Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Day 4 - Out on the Water

Early rise again today as the sun slowly crept over the horizon to shine some light across the water. I could wake up this way every morning. Was still feeling a little under the weather, but much better than the day before. Everyone was up and at ‘em after I got up and took a shower. LT was outside getting ready to get out on the kayak. I stayed and chatted with Eric a bit inside, while the girls were outside taking in the morning with some coffee.

Not much longer before Eric and I got in the water as well. Pedaled to a few coves to see about cast netting for some bait fish but had no luck. LT hammered in some snook and caught a nice size bass in one of the bays using artificial baits. I tried a few lures, but had no luck. About an hour later, I trekked back to the cove and cast netted again, this time leaving with a bait bucket full. Headed out in the main bay and hooked on to all kinds of fish. The funniest fish catch was a ladyfish. They run hard and breach the water with great body twists and splashes. And of course we caught a plethora of catfish.

Anna and Jill headed out around the town while we were fishing. Anna took Jill over to Triple Sister Springs and Homosassa Springs Zoo.

Headed back to the house later in the early afternoon and everyone was on the deck sitting around the table chatting. Eric had apparently attempted to pee of his kayak earlier with no success. He stopped by a seawall and as he starting to pee, he leaned forward and the kayak starting going backwards causing him to fall in the water. He lost his glasses and a few other items. LT and I headed back to see if we could find his glasses. No luck, but we did rescue his leatherman and some pliers. We will attempt to look for them again in the morning.

Headed to the Freeze in Homosassa for an early dinner. Everyone was pretty hunger and had a hankering for some crustaceans and fish. Not a sound was made by any of us while eating. It was like we hadn’t been feed for a few days. We got several pounds of peel and eat shrimp, smoked mullet and stone crabs. Bellies full and we headed back to the hacienda.  Once home all of us slowly started falling one by one. It was an early night with pretty much everyone in bed before 8pm.

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