Thursday, November 29, 2018

Day 4 - Eiffel Tower

After lunch at Saint Michel near Notre Dame, we grabbed a taxi and may our way over to the Eiffel Tower. The ticket and security line took about 30 minutes to get through, but several people stated that this was not a busy day. I could not have imagined waiting an hour or two. Schiffers’ luck as usual.

Got our two tickets and up we went to the base of the tower, which is up around 10-12 floors. It has a restaurant and view area around most of the platform. At this height, you could already see quite a bit of Paris as it is all at an even elevation. Next, we took another elevator straight up to what is known as the Summit (Top in French). Once out of the elevator your eyes are struck with an awe inspiring view of the whole of Paris. What a view!!! We did the best we could with trying to capture the views with photos and videos. Oh – Yeah – and I did kiss Mama at the very top!!

Being that we made it to the top of the Eiffel Tower, we pretty much felt we had completed our mission for the day. However, since it was going to be dark soon we definitely wanted to see the tower in all its nightly glory. We walked to the government buildings across the river at its highest point and took some pictures once night fell. The image in person was really truly beautiful. It is mind boggling that someone around 150 years ago architected this landmark and that it is still being used today.

We grabbed a cab and headed back to the hotel. Dropped off some unneeded items and off we skipped to the Christmas market. Food was on dad’s mind and it was the first thing I stopped at. Both mom and I ate, did a little shopping and strolled through the neighboring streets before heading in for the night.

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