Friday, November 30, 2018

Day 5 - Musee Orsay and then some

Our eyes peeled open at 10:30am this morning. To our surprise we did not expect to sleep in this late, nor did we think it was anywhere near 9, let alone 10:30. We did not feel guilty as we hiked and walked all day yesterday. Plus, we equated it to finally catching up on our flight sleep.

Left the hotel a little after 11am and walked down along the Louvre and stopped into a little cafe for a cup of coffee. I ordered us two cups, along with a Flan. When we got the coffee, Anna was not too happy with the size of the cup, nor that it was an expresso. She walked across the street and of all places went into a McDonalds and order another cup of coffee. To her surprise, she received the same size and an expresso. We both laughed at the comedy of it.

Prior to heading to any museum, we walked the Royal Gardens. Everything is just so grand and amazingly detailed from an architecutial stand point. We continued to walk along the side streets and view into the shops. After about an hour we ran across a nice little cafe and decided to have lunch. Anna had sardines and a bloody mary and I had beef tartar with a beer. Yummy!!!

Bellies full and we were off to the Musee Orsay. The museum was built in the 1860's as a train depot and was abandoned for several decades, until 1977 when the government decided to turn it into a museum. Today it houses impressionist artworks from the 1860's up to 1917. We stayed at the museum until it closed at 5:30pm.

Leaving the Orsay, we walked back across the river back to our hotel room to take a break for about an hour before heading out to dinner about 5 blocks away. The place was quite fancy, but the service was lousy. Mama had Monkfish and I had Skate Fish. I believe mine was the best. It was a very soft, buttery fish. It was definitely a first for me and an enjoyable one.

We ended the night by walking around town, peaking into shops and basically taking in all the views, sounds and smells. Got back to the room around 11pm.

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