Saturday, December 1, 2018

Day 6 – London Just a Eurorail ride away

Last night I placed a wake-up call for 7:30am. I however woke up a little before 6am. I tried to go back to sleep, but just wasn’t able to get back to sleepy land, so I simply got up and took a shower. Finally, the wake up call time past and came. It seemed that there would be no call this morning. Luckily I was already up so I got Mama up and we started to pack up. Anna wasn’t hungry so I headed down to the buffet by myself. After I ate, I went to go see the concierge and talked to him about calling us a cab at 10am.

December 1st was scheduled to have another strike by around 30,000 french workers on the Champs Elysee. The roads around our hotel were shutdown and no motor vehicles were allowed on the road. Wasn’t prepared for this one. I went back upstairs and got Anna motivated to leave early. We finished packing and got a cab around 9am. One of the bellmen walked us a few blocks to meet a cab and off we went to Gare du Nord or also known as Paris Nord train station.

The train ride to London was not until 2:13pm, so we first stopped at a café right next to the train station. We stayed there for about 2 hours and had a few beers. Then we went off to the train station and headed to the main café there. Had some more drinks and Anna ordered a French soup. Finally it came time to go through customs and eventually onto the train. We ended up getting a service called standard premium or what we came to find out is First Class. Wow! Nice seats and great experience. Got treated like London royality!

The ride took about 2.5 hours and am looking forward to doing it again. We really got to see quite a bit of the country side of both France and England. It’s really neat to see the differences of both as the train rolls along. We got off the train, exchanged some dollars and off we went to the Underground (London’s subway). Onto the Victoria Line and off to Oxford Circus station and then we hopped onto the Bakerloo line to Waterloo station. Both of us were happy to finally arrive. We walked to the hotel and arrived there at 4:30pm. It was pitch black in London already at that time. Really weird to see it that dark so early already in the season.

Checked in, dropped of the bags and off we went to explore the city. Ready to see everything in the full glory of light in the morning. Sherlock Holmes Bar was our choice for dinner tonight and it was about .5 from the hotel. Really good food. Anna had the Big Fish and Chips plate which came with a Cod filet (really big), White tail (small fish like sardines, but served fried), chips (fries), pickled onions and peas. I had a Steak & Ale pie which was basically a shepards pie along with an order of chips.

Walked back to the hotel around8:30pm and headed to bed to grab some well needed sleep.

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