Thursday, December 6, 2018

Day 9 – Heading back to Paris

Today was the last day in London and we wanted to make the most out of it. I got a wake-up m call for 7am, but we ended up laying in bed till 8am. Anna and I had packed our bags last night, so there wasn’t much to do to have everything ready. Out the door by 9am and we started walking around the Thames before heading back and having some breakfast at 11am near the hotel at a place call the Grill House.

After our meal we headed back up to the hotel, grabbed our bags and got a cab. The cab ride was pretty quick and we managed to get there faster than anticipated. We only had a little bit to wait, before we got on the Eurorail ride back to Paris. The train left at 2:20 and we were back in Paris at 5:45pm.

Our hotel in Paris, the Ibis Hotel was only about a 2 minute walk from the train station. We dropped off the bags and headed back out. We ended our evening having the dinner at The Savoy, a jazz bar restaurant. When we arrived we got the hostess a little of guard, as they were throwing a Christmas party for a company. When we asked for a table for two, she looked bewildered, stuttered, ask a colleague and then finally said yes and showed us to a table.

This was the perfect place for the last night in Paris. Food was great and the company was even better.

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