Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Day 4 – Aquari-Yum

Easy morning today. We figured it snowed all night, so we were expecting a lot of inches. Downtown Denver received 2-3 inches. Enough to make it a real mess for morning commutes and slop up everything. Add that it would be no more than 15 degrees before 3pm and you got yourself a very cold morning.

Anna and I got ready and headed out a little before 9am. We walked over to 16th Street Mall and looked for a place to eat. After some miscommunication and non-discussion, we got on the bus and headed towards Union Station. I thought we were heading the opposite way, so we got off on the next stop and just on the opposing bus. I thought the Denver Museum of Arts would be a good call for the morning. All we needed now was just a bite to eat before they opened at 10am. We walked around a few places, but everything was shut due to the weather.

Upon getting to the museum, we were told that the tickets were sold out. Apparently, today was the start of an exhibition unbeknownst to us. No art culture for us today. The ticket agent did give us the name of a good restaurant right around the corner. It was a cold trek to get to the museum, so we were both happy when we got to the restaurant to sit in some warmth and finally get something on our bellies. With minds fully nutritioned, our brains decided to go to the aquarium. I called us an Uber. It just was a much warmer option of travel.

We got to the aquarium around 11:30am. The aquarium itself was not that large, but the exhibits and species they had in it were totally awesome. We sat and watched the swimmers at all the large tanks. They even had a tiger cage in the center of the aquarium with three tigers. Beautiful creatures. We ended our stay there by visiting the restaurant. We got seated by one of the larger aquariums. Anna and I watched the redfish, red drum, and jacks swim for at least an hour while we had a few drinks.

I called us another Uber to pick us up from the Aquarium and had them take us to Larimer Square. Looked around in a few stores and slowly walked back towards the hotel. Stopped in and had some more to eat SoKo, a Korean BBQ/Japanese Sushi place. YUMMY!!


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