Sunday, October 25, 2020

Day 1 - Denver Here We Come

Charlotte was a beautiful and muggy 69 degrees this morning. Anna and I headed to the airport pretty early as our flight to Denver was at 8am. No doubt Denver was to be quite a bit cooler. We managed to get our tickets and got through TSA amazingly fast. Not a lot of people were flying out this early I guess. Anna got us some burgers, yes burgers, at Smashburger's for breakfast. They were not like they looked in the picture.

Once in Denver we picked up our Mitsubishi SUV rental and headed to downtown Denver. I booked a night a Le Meridien for the evening. Nice hotel in the center of town right on 16th Street in the middle of 16th street mall. After we checked in, we dropped off our stuff and were ready to get a bite to eat. We walked down 16th street a few hundred yards and chose Apolossa Grill. Not sure if it was the hunger or the food, but everything was really good. The filet Anna had was a little overcooked, but still yummy.

Bellies full we continued on our adventure. We tried to get tickets to the Burton snowboard movie showing at Red Rocks Amphitheater, but they had been sold out for some time. However, we decided to head up and visit Red Rocks anyway. We both spotted quite a few mule deer in the park and stopped and walked around the area for a bit, until heading back to the hotel around 5pm.

We were originally going to watch the sunset at Red Rocks but then decided to go view it on the Rooftop at our hotel instead. Got back to the hotel and was made aware that there was a 1.5-hour wait to go onto the roof. Oh well, we thought let’s just take it easy and enjoy the sunset on another day. We did put our name in though. About 2 hours later we got a text and headed up to the rooftop. Had some amazing food up top. We got seated near a fire pit. Had a few beers and ate Anna had a Wagu burger. I had some deviled eggs and a tomato soup.

Back to the room and off to fairyland we went.

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