Sunday, September 8, 2024

Day 4 - Out for a Little Stroll

 Day 4 - Sept. 8th

Woke up quite early this morning. Anna was already up and the kids were still sleeping, so the two of us decided to take a stroll around Chinatown. The town was bustling at 7am with every street and alley vendor ready for business. I stated before it is great to see how they utilize every open space in the city. The most fun and interesting is the alleyways between the buildings. They are slammed packed with vendors from spices, fish, eateries, produce, sweets, clothes, etc... Walking through our first long alley market, we saw items that we could not identify but were curious to know. Anna got some round-balled flowers that you use for tea. As it hits the heated water it infuses the water and opens the flower up. I stopped at a dumpling spot. It was apparently a Michelin-awarded restaurant back in 2021. Crazy to see something like that in an alley, but it shows how diversified Bangkok is. 

We got back to our place around 9:30am and LT was just getting up. Olivia was still sleeping. She wasn't feeling good last night, so we decided to let her sleep. About thirty minutes later, we all three headed back out the door and took LT to where we had gone earlier. After walking around a bit, we headed to the Green House. A well-known kush bar with a restaurant and rooftop bar. We hung out there for about 30 minutes before grabbing a TukTuk to High Thai Weed. Although the place was only 6km away, due to traffic it took about thirty minutes to get to. It was located in the heart of the financial district and looked like any regular metropolitan city. 

With our tummies rumbling, we looked up the closet and best sushi restaurant and made our way there. The place was called Masu Maki and it was fantastic. The sushi was to die for. We all ate far more than we should have, but it was worth the full belly. Since Oli wasn't feeling good, we brought her home some Miso soup and fried rice.

After returning home, we all relaxed for a little bit and most of us pretty much fell asleep calling it a day. Olivia and LT headed out later in the evening for a bit and grabbed some food.

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