Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Day 7 - A Little of This, A Little of That

 Day 7 - Sept. 11th

Today was a day when we all slept in a bit. All of us have been waking up a 2, 3, or 5am, but not today. Anna was already up when the sandman wiped the salt out of my eyes at 9am. LT and Olivia got up shortly thereafter. LT and I headed across the river to the IconSiam mall where they had the sushi restaurant they enjoyed the other day. Olivia and Anna walked around our hood for the late morning and early afternoon. 

The intent was to walk around a bit at the mall and see if we could find some interesting items to bring back, but the mind was set on sushi. It was located on the second floor. Well, let me restate. It was on a floor between the first and second. It was its own little area in the middle of the mall that had a Japanese building flair. The place was called Sushiro and had a carousel at your table that delivered your food and you could choose from items on the carousel. It was insane to know that LT and I hammered down 28 plates of rolls, sashimi and nigiri all for way less than $80.

Afterwards LT and I headed about 1km down the road to a fishing and tackle shop. LT grabbed a bag full of jigs, lures, and goodness who knows what else. But, I will say the prices here for those types of items are much cheaper than back in the US, or even more so, back in Belize. Even the reels are at least half the price they are in the States. He and I both felt this made for a fantastic afternoon.

We grabbed a TukTuk and met Olivia and Anna at Sit and Soi, a place not too far away from our place. Hung out there for a little over thirty minutes before making a command decision for all of us to head to Kaghee for a massage. LT got a full-body Thai massage, while the rest of us got a foot massage. We all hated that we just did it for an hour. Could have definitely done it for much longer. Muscles limber, we headed back to the place and relaxed for a short while. 

Anna stayed at the place while Olivia, LT and I headed to main street for some dumplings. The heart of Bangkok is thumping beginning at sundown. They block several of the lanes of the road for walking and vendors line the edge of the sidewalks with food stalls. Let's just say it's packed. We had both quail egg and pork dumplings. Both were really really good. It was a one lady show and she handmade each dumpling to order. Took a while, but it was definitely worth it.

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