Thursday, April 18, 2019

Day 7 – Blowholes, Scuba and the White House

The drive from West Bay back to East End is around 50 minutes. Near Bodden Town which is on the center southern part of the island, there is a stop that has several blowholes in the coral rock near the water. We had past the sign and place numerous times and decided we would stop and take a look today. It was a pretty serene place and not much is built around the area.

The bigger the wave – the bigger the fireworks of water that would be ejected through the holes. There were two holes that I notices – the main sprayer and another one that simply rolled the water out. It was like waiting at Yellowstone. You knew it was coming – you just weren’t sure how big it would be. After about a 20 minute stop, we climbed back in the car and headed home.

LT got in the water with his snorkel gear as we got home and I attempt to try my luck with some fishing. I watched Thomas snorkel way out towards the reef and slowly make his way right, eventually coming back in 30 minutes later. When he got to beach, I reeled my lines in and went for a short snorkel myself. It is truly amazing the sea life that is in the oceans!!!

Dinner reservations were at 5:30pm at the White House, near Bodden Town. We rolled up to the place just a few minutes after. Gorgeous place! The place was empty! The lady asked if we had reservations and we told her we did. Maybe we were just way too early and the rush was going to come a lot later. I jokingly told the kids I had booked the restaurant for ourselves and to our disbelief we had it to ourselves for the entire evening. The place could easily accommodate 500 people, but tonight we were the center of attention. 

LT had a rack of lamb, Olivia had a steak, Mama had a rib-eye and I ate a whole snapper. 


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