Monday, April 12, 2021

Day 15 – Leaving Lake Mead / Hoover Dam

The night prior we managed to find a local gem of a campsite on the shore of Lake Mead. It was nice to wake up on the water. However, we didn’t stay too long. I made us both some coffee and Mama made some bratwurst. Powered it all down and then packed up to make our way to the Grand Canyon.

We stopped in at the Grand Canyon Brewery once we got into Grand Canyon City. Had a few beers and some chicken wings and then headed back out to find a camp spot. On the way up highway 64, we stopped at a gas station to get some water and wood. We ran into a group of 5 fives that were on their way to boondock as well. I mentioned Forest Road 302 and they said that’s where they were going. And then there was a caravan.

We actually ended up turning onto FR328 and as we came around the first turn, Mama spotted two elk in the distance. Heck yeah!!! We had been looking for days with no results. Finally, we could say we saw some elk in Arizona! Didn’t drive in but about two miles before we found a great campsite for all three vehicles. It had a massive fire pit and was well covered with trees.

When I got out of the car, we all properly introduced ourselves. Philip, his son Isaac, ex-brother-in-law Tim, wife’s sister son Navad, and Darby a co-worker friend of 20+ years. Good group of guys. We quickly let loose and had a few beers and laughed our asses off. Everyone was cracking jokes. I don’t think we headed into bed until a little after midnight.

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