Saturday, April 3, 2021

Day 5 - Schaffer Trail

Had a really good night’s rest. I think we both did. After a little coffee and some stretching, Mama ended up making some eggs and bacon which we picked up from Whole Foods several days back. The bacon was amazing. I only picked up a ½ pound, when I should have gotten 2 pounds. After breakfast, we packed everything back up, strapped it all down, and headed back out on the sandy path.

Not but a few minutes and a few curves later and Big Daddy got himself stuck on what could be seen in the wet season as a washout or creek crossing. The tail end just grabbed hold and the step extension, which was the main culprit, bit into the dirt. It was all sand and tires were now turning. No problem, I told Mama. Went into the van and grabbed the MaxTracks. Slid one under each wheel and two attempts later and we were up and over the hill.

Mama was a bit nervous still and was super excited we made it out of our first Revel situation. We drove in quite a distance the night prior to get to our camping spot, so it took a bit to get out of the dispersed camping area. Hit the gas station real quick for our routine clean, empty, and lightening tasks – oh and yes maybe a coffee or drink as well.

Off to Canyonlands. The road in was a bit backed up, so we had to wait about 20 minutes or so. We didn’t mind as the views were amazing, plus we ended up speaking with a gentleman, Mike, from Illinois who was visiting with his family. Once in, we went to the visitor center to pick up some goodies and actually learned that the antelope we saw for the last few days are actually Pronghorns. From the visitor center, the view into the canyon was breathtaking. It was located opposite the center and it seems you could see forever.

Back in the car and off on our ride on the Schaffer Trail. The Schaffer Trail was a trail carved out of the side of the canyon in order to bring the cattle down. The trail is four miles long and once at the bottom ties right into the White Rim Trail. We headed down this two-way trail and for the most part, it was not too bad, except for about 3 shady hairpin turns where the van slid a bit. Not a bad thing if you are on level ground, but we had about a 1000 foot drop not but a foot or two away. The trail/road got you into turns where the views were just stunning. The grandeur of it all here is simply breathtaking.

We made it to the bottom and pulled off to enjoy the moment and soak in the scenery. After about 20 minutes, we headed back up the Schaffer trail and continued our drive around Canyonlands non-4x4 parts. The Grand View was the most captivating sight. You saw a good part of the White Rim trail down below and for 100’s of miles out. We left the park around 4:30pm and headed into Moab. We both decided on a little restaurant called, Sunset Grill. The food was amazing! Service was not. Definitely would give it a second try though.

Bellies full and we headed back out to Willows Spring to grab a spot for the night. A bit bumpy getting to the end site, but made it safe and sound. Built a fire and sat around it for about 30 minutes before finally heading in and going to bed.

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