Friday, July 19, 2013

Day 11 - The Females wanted a day of Rest

The ladies wanted some rest today, so the men decided to go off on their own today a couple of times. Thomas and I ended up going to Jan Thiel beach to do a bit of snorkeling and then hit the local Sushi restaurant, Kyoto. Very good sushi. We even tried the Lion Fish Sashimi. Afterwards we hit the old quarry. It was forbidden, but then again so are most Schiffers' adventures. This sign to the right was the most legible and newest in the complex. All the others were pretty rusted. The operation does not look like it has been up in running for at least a decade or two.

Old Quarry Road. Not sure what he was pulling out of his shoe, but I turned and thought this to be an awesome shot.
We both needed a little nutrition to get the day started!
A Tuna Lover Roll, Taku (no longer on plate), Maguro, Lionfish, and a Celebration Roll
Ground Dove. We see them at the beaches quite a bit. Cute guys about 8 inches long.
Venezuelan Troupial

Green Parrokeet. Usually seen in pairs.

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