Friday, July 12, 2013

Day 4 - Key word today - "Relax"

The day started out a bit late as the kids slept in. Sand and sun can do that to the little ones. Daddy just watched a little of the Le Tour de France waiting for the kids to arise. We had decided yesterday that we would go see some flamingos. They had a viewing area in the middle of Curacao which was about a hours drive from the resort. Figured it wouldn't take too long to see some long legged birds, so we decided we would hit a beach after that.

As suspected, after about 15 minutes of bird time, we were back in the care and off to somewhere. We drove around and decided to hit a place that would have some food. It was around 1pm and we were all a bit hungry. Karakter was what we stumbled upon in a place called Coral Estates. What a great stumble upon place. Great restaurant and bar! The water was crystal clear. Decided to stay the whole day.

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. Too many to show, but here is a sample.

Spotted eel. It was about 3 feet long. 
Lion fish. These guys have no natural predators and are killing the local fish species. Very poisonous.

Coral, Coral and more Coral. Great hangouts for the little itty-bitty fish.

Here's looking at you kid!

Parrot Fish. These guys eat the coral. Absolutely beautiful. So many colors!!!

He did not look to happy. I think we woke him from his nap. 

There we literally thousands. You could swim through the mass. My camera did not have a wide enough angle.

These guys were everywhere. Not sure the species.

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