Monday, July 31, 2017

Day 15 – Sea Trout season has begun

Thomas with 3 mullet in the cast net
As momma puts it – "All we did today was fish!" LT and I got up early and tried fishing all throughout the day. We caught fish here and there, but around 2-3pm we hit about a two hour window where we hooked into Sea Trout one after another. We could have raised a farm with the amount we caught. It was lots of fun. Unfortunately, as quick as it started all of a sudden the hits just quit. The remainder of the day was just not as fruitful.

Yesterday we had a little egret that started to hang out by the bait bucket and he would basically beg to get the dead greenbacks. Being the nature lover I am, I could let the poor guy starve so I fed him a few. Now he comes and stays by us the entire time we are out by the water – never more than two to three feet from the bait bucket.

LT stayed up pretty late the night prior with all the excitement of getting to the beach, so I knew it would catch up to him sooner or later. Anna had bought some beach chairs yesterday and brought them down to the beach. Along with umbrella, we set up the usual beach encampment for the day. Anna sat out in the chairs watching us fish later in the morning. Around 11am LT ended up going to take a break and sit with mom a bit. The chair was apparently very comfortable, because he didn’t move out of the chair again until around 3:30pm. The girls were very sweet to make sure he was covered. Even though he was shaded and covered with a towel, he still managed to get a little crispy on the legs.

Olivia didn’t rise to see the new day until a little after noon. She went down to sit by the chairs for a while, but mainly hung out in the room most of the day. She has not wanted to get in the sun to much due to the “burn”.

Anna and I went to Pinchers for dinner while the kids stayed home. Anna ordered some blue crab pinchers for appetizers, which were the highlight of the meal. The rest of the meal was so-so. We didn’t stay too long after the meal. Anna walked me around the property and gave me a brief history of the place and told me how it had changed over the years. We drove back and kicked it down some side streets looking at some of the areas and homes on the bay side.

Ended the evening with you guessed it – a little fishing. Nothing but catfish!

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