Monday, July 17, 2017

Day 2 - Homosassas Springs

Waking up in sunny Florida this morning. Got the kids up early so we could get rolling and hit the park before 8:30. We packed the bags, grabbed some non-delicious bland continental breakfast and anyway to Triple Sisters Springs we went.

Excited, we rolled up to the park entrance but were told vehicles were not allowed in the park. Turns out you can only get to the park via the water. This was going to be somewhat of a problem since we didn’t have a boat. No boat – no problem. We ended up heading over to Hunter Springs Park instead for a couple hours and played in the water.

Being that the continental didn’t do much for all of us this morning, we headed out for lunch around 11:30 to a place called Charlies. Nice quaint place with outside seating on the river. We watched several large Tarpon annihilate bait fish while we waited for our lunch. Escargot, Mullet Smoked Dip and Caesar salads was the choice of this clan.

Hoping we could check in early, we stopped by the rental only to find they still needed a couple of hours to clean the place. So, off we went to Homosassa Springs State Park. It starts with a 10 minute boat ride to the park’s zoo entrance. What a gorgeous park! The surroundings and layout of the exhibits were almost invisible due to the natural rainforest/swamp location. They did a great job in keeping the caging and fencing to a minimum, not only for the patrons but primarily for the animals.

About an hour into the zoo, it started to rain. No – pour! And pour! Luckily we didn’t melt. We still managed to walk around and took shelter in some the covers and buildings they had throughout the park. It wasn’t much longer before we got back to the park entrance and took the tram back to the car.

It was around 3:45pm and we were all excited about getting to the rental. The kids helped unpack the car and it didn’t take another five minutes until we had fishing line in the water. I made sure mama didn’t need any help with anything before Thomas and I went out on the kayaks for a little fishing excursion. No big score out in the kayaks, but we did manage to catch quite a bit of catfish and snapper when we got back to the house.

The kids played in the pool for several hours and the eyelids started closing about 9:30pm.

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