Sunday, July 23, 2017

Day 8 – Datz Crazy

All that artwork earlier in the day really got the bellies rumbling. Datz was the restaurant of choice by the locals. We tried to get in before the LEGO exhibit, but the wait was 1.5 hours. No way were we going to wait that long, so we decided to go to the museum first. This time, there was only around a five minute wait. Much better!

Aunt Donna, Cole, Wendy, their kids and the Schiffers family all munched down on some pretty darn good eatin’. We had a Buffalo Cauliflower appetizer, which sounded better than it tasted. Donna, Olivia and I had the Tuna Poke Salad, Anna has a French Onion soup, which Donna and Olivia had as well as an appetizer and Thomas had the Bacon BIG BIG Burger. Hands down, Thomas’ was the best! Cole behaved good like Daddy and had a Cobb Salad and Wendy had a BLT sandwich, I think.

The nice thing about Datz was that they had a dessert bakery on the bottom floor, along with an adjoining place called Doughs, which served ice cream and coffee. Before we left, we managed to grab some cupcakes and Anna brought a black charcoal ice cream. Can’t really describe the flavor, but it tasted pretty good.

We didn’t get home until around 5pm, so needless to say we didn’t go back out. Cody, Wendy and the kids stayed until around 7pm and then we simply relaxed. We all played cards for a bit and then Thomas and Donna played a game of Cribbage. It wasn’t much longer before we all headed to bed.

Aunt Donna, Cole and Anna - I called this a Punisher Sandwich!

From Left - Nathan, Olivia, Tyler, Thomas, Conner

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