Monday, April 9, 2018

Day 11 – Yosemite Valley Closed to Visitors

Our fears came true this morning when we were alerted that the entire valley was closed to patrons. I had a gut feel that our access to CA120 would be cut off due to the flooding. However, we decided to attempt to drive down towards the valley floor and see if we could get access to 120. We were encountered with closed roads and traffic enforcement - No good!

NPS Enforcement informed us that the only way out was to go via CA41. It took us about a 1.5 hours out of the way, but it was a relief to hear we would not be pigeon held in the valley.

Our flight was at 6:43pm, so we had plenty of time to make our way to Reno. We left our place at 8am this morning and planned to stop for some time in Carson City. The road closure definitely put a crinkle in the plan for the day, but ended up being the best thing that could have happened. The drive through the south side of the valley and then across the Sierra’s was breathtaking. It was undoubtedly the most beautiful mountain drive I had ever done in my life. We went from elevations of 1000 to 6000 feet at least 4 to 5 times and up to 9000 feet twice.

It is truly wonderful to see the differences in the landscapes from one to the next. We went through a minimum of five different elevation/landscape changes. Each as different and diverse as the next. The pictures and images we took do not do the places justice. We jumped from the 40’s to the 60’s, then back to the 30’s and shortly thereafter back to the 60’s. From rain, to clear skies, to the snow-packed mountains and back to the dry sandy floor of Reno.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Day 10 - Potential Evac

Last night I received an email from the House owners and they told me there may be a potential closing of the park today. Due to the heavy snow melt and incoming rain, there might be flooding. With the that risk, we wanted to get out to the park early and at least visit Bridal Falls, the Majestic Lodge and hit the Village Store one last time before the National Park Service would shut down the park.

LT decided to stay back at the house, so the three of us went out on the adventure. Bridal Falls is near the entrance to Yosemite Valley, so it was only about a 15 minute drive to get there. However, we stopped along the way once on the side of the road to capture some shots and then at Tunnel View. With the incoming rain, the clouds made for a totally differed vista then the one we saw a couple of days ago.

Bridal Falls is in no more than about 400 yards from the parking area, so the stop there was pretty quick. We all did however venture off the paths regularly and really tried to take in the sound of the waterfall and enjoyed the mist the waterfall threw for hundreds of meters.

The Majestic Valley Lodge was the hotel I really wanted to try and get us to stay at, but it was booked up over six months in advance. So was the Yosemite Lodge, which is not but about a quarter mile away. Fortunately for us we stayed at neither, because at around 11am the National Park Service decided to close down the park and evacuate all the patrons. The Majestic was to be evacuted by 1pm. Glad we were staying at the Royal Retreat.

Steller Jay -  beautiful black and blue bird.
We left the park at 12:30pm and headed back to the house, but not before we did little last minute shopping at the Village Store. On the drive to the store, a coyote was crossing the street which totally caught us off guard. Even though traffic was behind us, we stopped the car and tried to take a picture. No chance - we drove on and went to the next parking area, quickly jump out and run back to take some shots. Thankfully the coyote stayed in the area. With pictures taken we headed on to the store where Anna purchased some steaks, potatoes and one sweet potato for dinner later this evening.

Coyote seen running near the lodge. Olivia and I took plenty of pics.
When we got home, Moma and LT went out for several hours. LT wanted to try his hand at fishing to see if he could catch a trout or two. Waters were rushing pretty fast, so no pescetarian meals tonight. Now that the park was closed, I started to get a bit nervous for us leaving in the morning, as road closures were starting to be announced. CA 120 and 41 were open until 5pm tonight, then they were to close until whose knows. Hopefully, they will be opening in the morning again, otherwise we will be missing our flight.

Rushing rapids at the base of Bridal Falls

Bridal Falls

My two favorite ladies near the base of Bridal Falls

The Majestics Hotel's Dining Hall. We couldn't eat here due to the evacuation. Lunch menu looked good though.
This one is just a regular pine. It's a BIG one!

Day 9 - Some additional park shots

California Ground Squirrel. It took at least 30 photos to get this shot.

Walking down the John Muir trail from Vernal Falls. Thomas just twisted his ankle and Sis lending a shoulder.

Black bird that we encountered during our lunch stop near the Yosemite Lodge. This guy is big!

LT and Anna standing on an upward look at Vernal Falls.

Another California Ground Squirrel near the top of Vernal Falls. Again - this took quite of few shots.

Olivia and Thomas found this rock cave during our Vernal climb. 

Day 9 - Yosemite and the many falls

The day we had been waiting for had arrived and we could not have asked for better temperatures. Early spring is a big time for the park, as the snow melt brings the waterfalls to life. Anna and I woke up at 6am and she cooked a wonderful breakfast of eggs, bacon and biscuits to get us off to the right start. Before the biscuits finished baking around 7am, I woke the kids. We all eat quickly and gathered our things to head down to the park.

Exploration started at Yosemite Falls, a majestic place in the park with fabulous views. From the valley floor, the walk to Yosemite Falls vista was short. It was one of those places that once visited, you know the grandeur and wonder of the place was created by something far bigger than you.

The goal for day was to hike the Mist Trail to Vernal Falls. It was a taxing hike but well worth the walk. The hike was pretty much straight up for two miles. The last half mile was a staircase rock climb beside the falls. Rocks were slippery, but luckily we had walking poles.

After the falls we headed over to the Village Store and grab a bit of lunch. I then took the family over to a stop near the river and let LT fish for a while. We needed to get gas for the car and I did not want us stuck in the middle of Yosemite without gas, so I attempted to drive back to the gas station we went to the day prior. Their generator had been out for days and was acting temperamental. Luckily it was working when I got there. Car filled and back to troops I went.

The girls had walked to the base El Capitan, the famous mountain climbing rock, while I went for gas. Part of the rock was closed to climbers due to nesting birds and loose rocks. The bottom section was open to climbers, but this was apparently not the season for them to climb.

With all of us spent and having an amazing day, we drove back to the house and called it a day.

Day 8 - Heading into the Valley

Although there was still so much to do in San Francisco, we were all very excited to get to Yosemite, so we left the bay at around 9:30am. Surprisingly with all the congestion in the downtown area, I believed it would have taken us at least 30 minutes to get out of San Fran – we managed it in about 15 minutes. The route took us from San Fran to Sacramento and then via CA120 right into the heart of Yosemite.

After an hour on the road and somewhat outside of the bay area, we chose a dining place called the Black Bear Diner. Like a Perkins – only better! The portions were crazy and food was delicious!!

It was a beautiful drive once we got off the interstate onto CA120. The ride took us through a lot of almond groves and farming country. We stopped at one of the groves, so Moma could get out and see what an almond looked like within its shell. Halfway through the ride we hit a little farmer's market where we loaded up on all kinds of dried fruit and jerky snacks.

The place we rented was through VRBO and the owners (Holly & Jeff) of the house (Royal Retreat), gave us a lot of good prep information. Being that Yosemite is a national park – a BIG national park, there really isn’t any good grocery stores or gas stations anywhere close once you get inside. We stopped at Raleys, a California grocery chain, in Oakdale, about 2 hours out from the house. The last gas stop was 45 minutes out, however when we arrived the power was out and therefore – No gas!

Never have I been on a 5 hour drive and been through five different landscapes/micro-climates. Absolutely mind boggling!!! Every single one was just as wonderful as the next – however the last one we encountered has to be the one with the most beautiful mountain vista I have ever seen. It was hard not to stop at every turn as we approached Yosemite. Every stop had a better view and each became more amazing. Finally we stop at Tunnel View – WOW! It was the vista in which you could see all the mountain features like El Capitan, Half Dome and Bridal Falls.

Everybody was ready to get to the place and finally get out of the car for good. We unpacked and relaxed the rest of the evening.

Ready to hit Yosemite Yalley in the morning!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Day 7 - Haight & Ashbury

The troops did not hear revelry this morning. We sounded the trumpet over and over and finally the troop arose at 10am. Today we ended up heading to Haight-Ashbury, an eclectic section in the bay area. It is a district of shops and eccentric little restaurants and bars. We took the metro bus which took around 30 minutes to get there.

Ready for some grub we ate at a place called the Pork Shop. It was an awesome brunch - just look at the pic.

Sad to say but we only rolled around for a little longer until we ran across Cha Cha Cha. This was a restaurant recommendation from our guy from Strawberry who said this place was amazing. You know I had to try it. Plus on arrival, it happened that one of LT's buddies back from Charlotte was eating there at the same time. Alex is a buddy of his who goes to Myers Park. Small world!

We continued to kick it in the area until around 3:30pm and then LT & Dad headed back to the hotel. Moma and Olivia decided to stay for a bit and continue shopping.