Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Day 7 - Haight & Ashbury

The troops did not hear revelry this morning. We sounded the trumpet over and over and finally the troop arose at 10am. Today we ended up heading to Haight-Ashbury, an eclectic section in the bay area. It is a district of shops and eccentric little restaurants and bars. We took the metro bus which took around 30 minutes to get there.

Ready for some grub we ate at a place called the Pork Shop. It was an awesome brunch - just look at the pic.

Sad to say but we only rolled around for a little longer until we ran across Cha Cha Cha. This was a restaurant recommendation from our guy from Strawberry who said this place was amazing. You know I had to try it. Plus on arrival, it happened that one of LT's buddies back from Charlotte was eating there at the same time. Alex is a buddy of his who goes to Myers Park. Small world!

We continued to kick it in the area until around 3:30pm and then LT & Dad headed back to the hotel. Moma and Olivia decided to stay for a bit and continue shopping.

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