Monday, April 2, 2018

Day 5 - Rolling into San Fran

We made it out Lake Tahoe by 9:30am this morning and headed to San Fran. There was no rush and the intent was to stop at a couple of places along the way. I can’t tell you how many viewing areas we passed. Each as beautiful as the next. Luckily dad didn’t make us stop at all of them. We did make a few stops, but were getting excited about ‘Cisco, so we kept the stops to a minimum.
Our favorite stop was made in a little town called Strawberry – population 50. We pulled into the General Store, which was anything but general. It had all the good snack foods, high end drinks, fresh pastries and nice nicknacks. The owner gave us some great advice for driving into San Fran and a list of his favorite eats in downtown. The campgrounds and area in Strawberry are definitely a place we would could back to.

Once we left Strawberry, we only stopped one more time as we descended the Sierra’s. Thomas wanted to wet his line, so we found a river on the way down to let him fish for several minutes. While LT was fishing, Olivia was stacking some river rocks (a carin) to leave her mark. Near one of the trees, there was a funny looking rock with a zebra and heart sticker with the word “Yum”. As I inspected the rock it was put there intentionally. On the back it instructed you to take a picture, post it and put it somewhere else. What better new place to put it then somewhere in San Francisco.

We came to San Francisco via 50W, 80W, 37W and then came down into the city over the Golden Gate Bridge via 101S. Before crossing the bridge we went up to the Golden Gate overlook. This place was packed and parking was very limited. We went straight to the top and ventured all around. Wow!! Hung around for about 1.5 hours.

Rolled into the downtown Westin around 3pm and quickly unloaded. Olivia and I went and grabbed a bite to eat at Chabaa Thai right around the corner, while mom and Thomas stayed in the room. After we got back the kids took off to go explore and check out downtown, while Anna went down to do some Zen in the park across the street. 

Even though I had already eaten dinner, Anna and I strolled around and found Koe Khani, a Thai Michelin rated restaurant. Time for the 2nd meal. We had caramelized pork bellies, green curry rabbit and hot wings. Dinner was amazing!!! Once completed, we also stopped at Bellini’s for a little bit of desert. Anna got some cookies and I got a couple of slices of cheesecake for the kids.

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