Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Day 6 - Powering it up Powell Street to Chinatown

To make sure we hit all the checkboxes, we needed a way to get around San Francisco. What better way than by Trolley? As soon as we got up, we went down to the Market Street connector in the Financial District to purchase four one day passes. The neat thing was you could ride on any trolley, cable car, bus or subway.

With tickets in hand, we jumped on the trolley and headed to Chinatown. Although it was a little after 9am when arrived, most of the shops and eateries we still closed. I didn’t figure Easter Monday was the cause, but  things don’t start moving around here until 10am. We continued to bum around for a while and then decided to head down to the water and come back after Chinatown woke up.
Pier 39 is the famous pier where all the sea lions hang out. It is also the Gatlinburg of piers – shops galore and restaurants by the handful. The sea lions are definitely the main attraction here and all of us watched, photographed and videoed them for some time.

The idea initially in the morning was to get to Chinatown and grab something to eat. Since nothing was really open, that never happened. Everyone was hungry and since some of the restaurants on the pier still hadn’t opened for lunch, we determined Swiss Zone would be our best bet. It was a seafood restaurant known for its Dungeness Crabs. Stomachs had been growling for some time, so we were all ready to order. The kids got some salads, which had an amazing dressing. Olivia also got a tomato soup – not sure if it was good since she wouldn’t share. I think it may have been good though, as there was none left. Anna of course got the Dungeness Crabs and I got the steams mussels.

Recharged, the kids and I hit the Aquarium. It was a smaller aquarium, but the exhibits were awesome. On entry, it threw you into a jellyfish exhibit which had species none of us had ever seen. It also featured a little tiny fish called a Lumpsucker. It was so cute you wanted to pet the dang thing.

The next two sections were tunnel sections which allowed  you to walk under the water and view all the different bay area fishes, rays and sharks. Leopard sharks, Striped bass, Sturgeon, Halibut, Rockfish and King Salmon are the primary species in and the surrounding bay area. It is not very often you get an up close and personal of a Sturgeon, so when you do it is special.

We synced back up with Mom after the aquarium and took a cable car back to Chinatown. The cable car dropped us off a couple of blocks away from our destination, so we trekked the remaining blocks. Plenty of stores and gift shops with all kinds of Asian inspired stuff. However, sfter you have been in one, you’ve pretty much been in all. The girls had a blast and checked out various unique stores and it wasn’t too much longer and we all decided we could eat again. Yummy – lunch - #2!! We chose a clean looking place in which we hoping to see plenty of locals eating at. 

LT did notice their aquarium sitting outside was nasty and clogged with algae.  His thought was if the aquarium looks like that, what do you think the kitchen looks like? Good point! Unfortunately the boys were overruled. Fortunately, lunch ended up to be pretty good.

Around 3pm we headed back to the hotel to rest, change shoes and freshen up a bit. Everyone took a break and lolly-gagged for about an hour. Batteries rejuvenated, the kids headed out to do a little shopping. Olivia saw some stuff the day prior at Urban Outfitters and was hoping to get it before she left. Anna and I went out strolling about 15 minutes later and walk around our area a bit before meeting back up with the kids and helping them acquire their finds.

Back on the trolley and to a place we ran across earlier in the day – The Stinking Rose. Yup, you guessed it – another restaurant! Not but three hours later and we were eating again! The restaurant is a garlic inspired place where everything on the menu has garlic in it, on it, around it or with it. The meal was incredible. Thomas had Garlic Noodles, Olivia had a POG (Potato Onion Garlic) Soup, Moma had Black squid inked Linguined clams, and I had a super delicious prime rib.

A little more walking around to let the food digest and we grabbed the trolley to call it a night. We got back to the hotel a little before 10pm.

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