Thursday, August 15, 2019

Day 8 - Breck Epic Stage 4 - Aqueduct

The pain was so extreme yesterday I was surprised I was even able to move this morning. Recovery has been a challenge during these stage races. First of all there is no such thing as normal sleep. Both of us have been waking up multiple times throughout the night and then wake up a the ass crack of dawn not able to get back to sleep. Secondly, there is no a possible way to get the caloric intake back overnight to make up and fuel the next day. Lastly, you consistently feel dehydrated - not really - but the amount of water and liquids just never feel like you are intaking enough.

Today's stage was 41 miles and 6900 feet of climbing. It was not as technical as some of the other days, but still one hell of a day. Views were spectacular! Several places were very scary.

Ashley crushed the ride in 5:16. I was pulled from the course upon arrival into aid station 3. I was apparently 18 minutes passed the cut off time. I was only 8 miles from the finish. I know it would have taken me another two hours to get there, but they only charged me an hour penalty. I arrived at the aid station in 6:48.

More pictures to come.... Too tired to upload

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